Data Compression in Cloud Hosting
The cloud internet hosting platform where your cloud hosting account is made works by using the revolutionary ZFS file system. The LZ4 compression method which the aforementioned uses is superior in lots of aspects, and not only does it compress data better than any compression method that other file systems use, but it is also much faster. The gains are significant especially on compressible content like website files. Despite the fact that it may sound illogical, uncompressing data with LZ4 is quicker than reading uncompressed data from a hard drive, so the performance of any website hosted on our servers shall be enhanced. The better and faster compression rates also make it possible for us to generate a large number of daily backups of the entire content in each web hosting account, so in the event you delete anything by accident, the last backup which we have won't be more than a few hours old. This is possible because the backups take much less space and their generation is quick enough, so as to not affect the performance of our servers.
Data Compression in Semi-dedicated Servers
Your semi-dedicated server account will be created on a cloud platform which runs on the leading-edge ZFS file system. The aforementioned uses a compression algorithm named LZ4, which is much better than other algorithms in terms of compression ratio and speed. The gain is noticeable particularly when data is being uncompressed and not only is LZ4 faster than other algorithms, but it is also faster in uncompressing data than a system is in reading from a HDD. This is the reason why sites running on a platform that uses LZ4 compression perform better because the algorithm is most effective when it processes compressible data i.e. website content. Another advantage of using LZ4 is that the backup copies of the semi-dedicated accounts which we keep need significantly less space and they are generated quicker, which allows us to keep multiple daily backups of your files and databases.