Lightning-fast Website Loading Speeds for Customers from Europe

We cooperate with one of the most well–known UK datacenters – UK Servers, which’s based a few miles of Coventry. This particular facility is designed with a high level of security as well as being manned by experienced administrators taking proper care of the server network twenty–four–seven.

In case your sites are aimed mainly at visitors who reside in the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe and Africa, then the UK Servers datacenter is the best option for you. Thus, your sites are going to be actually closer to your visitors, which usually guarantees quicker site loading rates.

Inside our United Kingdom datacenter, we supply cloud plans, VPS Servers and semi-dedicated plans. As a result, you can host any sort of web site – starting with your individual blog or portfolio webpage, up to a prosperous e–shop, a community web site or perhaps a media site. It is possible to initiate your own personal web hosting company!

  • Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $40.99/year
  • .AGENCY - $26.99/year
  • .AI - $86.99/year
  • Compare Domain Names

Cloud Hosting UK

We offer a 99.9% uptime warranty together with a 1 month money–back guarantee – if you’re not pleased with The-Common-Good’s services for any reason whatsoever. In addition, every single cloud hosting UK pack gives you the The-Common-Good Control Panel, which offers a point–and–click interface as well as all the website administration tools that you will need to have – a drag’n’drop File Manager, an all–inclusive Domain Names Manager and mail manager, a couple of Website Accelerators like Memcached and Varnish, and also all–encompassing web statistics tool. Of course, if you ever happen to encounter any type of problems, it is easy to contact The-Common-Good’s 24x7 support team whose regular reply time is under 20 mins!

VPS Web Hosting Plans UK

Using our VPS Web Hosting Plans UK you will be able to run busy websites, that are merely a millisecond away from your users from the UK and Europe. All of our VPS Web Hosting Plans UK give you all of the web applications you will need so that you can run and maintain a profitable website. It’s also possible to choose a Control Panel for your server. You are able to choose between: cPanel ($30/month), our own Control Panel (free–of–charge) and DirectAdmin (absolutely free). From these three tools, it is the Control Panel that can be obtained with every UK VPS server and also every Operating System. On top of that, it boasts all the bonuses associated with The-Common-Good’s standard cloud hosting packs.

UK Linux Semi-dedicated Plans

All of our Linux semi-dedicated plans represent an extraordinary hosting solution, which combines the processing power of a dedicated server and the convenience of a standard hosting account. By using a semi-dedicated server in our UK data center, you can attract more customers from Europe because of the fantastic connectivity options that we provide.

Every semi-dedicated server is backed up by 99.9% server and network uptime warranties. Furthermore, you'll get lots of free bonuses with your server - an absolutely free dedicated IP, a selection of website accelerators and more.

  • Service Guarantees

  • All of the cloud plans packages in The-Common-Good’s United Kingdom datacenter have a 99.9% service uptime together with a 99.9% network uptime warranty!
  • Compare Our Prices

  • The-Common-Good delivers quality cloud plans services. Discover which one of The-Common-Good’s deals can most effectively suit your hosting requirements.
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  • Why Us

  • Experience a dependable hosting service in state-of-the-art datacenters with The-Common-Good. Get the very best connection speeds for your web sites.
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  • We’re willing to respond to all of your queries.